
Here I post some of my thoughts/questions/ideas. I would love to hear your thoughts on them.

3. “What gets measured gets managed”. Is the contrary true?

“What gets measured gets managed” is a famous quote by Peter Drucker. I agree with Peter and can give few examples like time, performance, speed of a car, respone_time, etc. But is the contrary true? Is there something that we can manage effectively without measuring it?

2. Genetic inheritance of Mental Characteristics?

Are mental charestiristics inherited? If I change my behavior, If I improve my determination, thinking skills, If I improve my thought process, will it be passed on to the next generations?

1. Trouble in Copying from one Google sheet to another google sheet.

I am wondering why I cannot paste only values from one google sheet to another google sheet. I can paste the formualas (ctrl + v) works but (ctrl+ shift + v) does not work.

For example, consider I have a google spreadsheet file named as “Sheet1” with multiple sheets inside it, named “Alpha” and “Beta”. I wanted to paste only the values of “Alpha” sheet to a new google spreadsheet file named as “Sheet2”.

If I copy all the contents of “Alpha” sheet and do ctrl + shift + v in “Sheet2”, it does not work. But if I do ctrl + v, it works but I am getting different values because of reference error.

Resolving this issue. Create a new temporary sheet “temp” in “Sheet1”. I had to copy the contents of “Alpha” and do ctrl + shift + v in “temp”. Then right click on “temp” and select “Copy to” and then “Existing spreadsheet” and select “Sheet2” going through all of my directories. Such a hassale process..!!

Why can’t we do ctrl + shift + v in “Sheet2” directly? Why do we have to create a temporary sheet and then copy to “Sheet2”?